Talk And Community
For Effective Change

Talk and community go hand in hand if any group is going to work.  Most effectively it can generate a huge number of new and creative ideas that all the community, and those outside it, can benefit from.

By creating means of wider communication especially in our on-line, social network communities, real change for good could be achieved.  Speedy sharing of ideas and new developments, just as in Kick Starter, Indiegogo and similar platforms can shorten the time of bringing new improved products to market.

Talk And Community Small To Larger GroupTalk even in small groups for creative outcomes

Product Production

As I bring a number of products to market that will enable us to communicate even more effectively, by subscribing here you will be able to sample them at deeply discounted prices.

Initially these will be communication-related devices.  Very soon after launching the first few of these, alternative energy related products will come on-line.  These likewise will be available for the first few responders at deeply discounted prices.  

Deep Discount

We would love for those people who manage to obtain the discounted products to review them to allow others in the community and beyond to have an honest appraisal of their worth.  It will also allow those who missed out to know how much being an early responder was worth.

To have the opportunity to be able to access deeply discounted products for review sign up for a subscription to the e-zine in the box below.

Initial Product

The first product, available shortly, will be a high-quality wired earphone with a number of features that I will let you know about further in the first e-zine.  It will be designed to facilitate the talk and community dynamic.  

Having high quality sound to enjoy music, videos and talk either on-line or with mobile devices will improve everyone’s experience of an interconnected community and life in general.  

As I mentioned there will be a number of further communication-related devices to come out, each aimed to be high-end but at very good prices.  Different devices will suit different people with varied lifestyles.

Alternative Energy Products

Within months the first of the alternative energy products will become available.  A number of options are already under consideration.  Again they promise to be of high quality but at a great price.  

Of course if you manage to be one of the first responders to get them at a deeply discounted price you will be getting them at a fabulous cost as well as being able to try them as soon as they are released.

Therefore, if you at all interested, leave your details in the opt-in box for e-zine communications.


With talk and community you will be able to feed in your ideas of what you would like to see.  Or if you know of some great developments that would benefit us all, you can let us know.  

Talk And Community Businesses To IndividualsDiscussions from business to individual levels can bring change

You can also leave information on such breakthroughs in the iAltEnergy News section where there are a number of places you can share your information with us all.  As mentioned before such dynamic talk and community will benefit everyone, enabling us to reach goals we might have only dreamed about in the past.

Future Energy Options

There are many options for our future out there.  But the best ideas and products are the ones we would all love to know about and benefit from.

Basic solar panels have been around for many years.  There have been a number of improvements.  Yet the type, quality and generating ability has not changed massively.  

Already products are out there with a much broader response suiting a huge range of climates and latitudes.  They just need to be more freely available.

Energy Generation Products

My aim in releasing new products like these as I move ahead is to make a greater range of effective alternative energy products available to a wider range of people at really competitive prices.

There are many options for us all to benefit from in our personal lives, the people of the world in general and the planet itself.  As I have mentioned before governments and large organisations are considering such developments.  But the pace is glacial.

Talk And Community

With a talk and community approach we should be able to rapidly bring on line and adopt new products and ideas that are immediately effective.  First adopters sharing their experience in that typical social networking environment can be virally the initiators of positive change.

If you want to be a part of these benefits, then note your contact email in the sign on box to receive breaking news and the chance to benefit from the deeply discounted initial prices.

Talk And Community Can Benefit Our PlanetTalk and community can benefit our beautiful planet

Again this will benefit us all.  We all can be part of a positive change for good for all people and the planet.  There are a number of really effective options out there that will make talk and community the beginning of something really great.

New! Comments

Have your say about what you just read! Leave me a comment in the box below.